PDF from HTML Template#

Create PDF’s from HTML template input.

One you have obtained a template then use the /pdf/convert/from/html API with the required templateId & templateData parameters defined.


Return all HTML templates for the current user.

Use the dashboard to manage your HTML to PDF Templates.

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /v1/templates/html

Query parameters#

No query parameters accepted.


No body parameters accepted.

Response 2#

    "templates": [
            "id": 1,
            "type": "system",
            "title": "General Invoice Template",
            "description": "sample invoice template showcasing use of Mustache templates syntax for generating invoices"
            "id": 15,
            "type": "user",
            "title": "User Template 1",
            "description": ""
    "remainingCredits": 99204004,
    "credits": 2


curl --location --request GET 'https://api.pdf.co/v1/templates/html' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: '


Returns HTML template by template’s id.

Use the dashboard to manage your HTML to PDF Templates.

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint: /v1/templates/html/:id

Query parameters#

No query parameters accepted.


No body parameters accepted.

Response 2#

    "id": 1,
    "type": "system",
    "title": "General Invoice Template",
    "description": "sample invoice template showcasing use of Mustache templates syntax for generating invoices",
    "body": "<!doctype html>\r\n<html lang=\"en-US\">\r\n<head>\r\n<title>Invoice  </title>    \r\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@4.6.1/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css\" integrity=\"sha384-zCbKRCUGaJDkqS1kPbPd7TveP5iyJE0EjAuZQTgFLD2ylzuqKfdKlfG/eSrtxUkn\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\">\r\n</head>    \r\n<body>\r\n    \r\n    <div style=\"border-width: 3px;border-style: solid; border-color: #008000;border-radius: 8px; color: #008000; opacity:0.4; position: absolute; z-index: 1; left:80%; top:3%; font-size: 60pt;transform: rotate(-20deg)\">\r\n    PAID </div>\r\n    \r\n    \r\n    <div class=\"container\">\r\n        <div class=\"\">\r\n            <div class=\"\">\r\n                \r\n                <!-- invoice: header begin-->\r\n                <div class=\"row col-md-12\">\r\n                    <div class=\"col col-md-6\">\r\n                            <div class=\"font-weight-bold\"></div>\r\n\r\n                            <div  class=\"\"></div>\r\n                            <div class=\"\"></div>\r\n                            <div class=\"\"></div>\r\n                            <div class=\"\"></div>\r\n                    </div>\r\n                    <div class=\"col col-md-6\">\r\n                        <div class=\"\">\r\n                            <div class=\"\">\r\n                                <span class=\"font-weight-bold\">Invoice Number:</span> \r\n                            </div>\r\n                            <div class=\"\">\r\n                                <span class=\"font-weight-bold\">Invoice Date:</span> \r\n                            </div>\r\n                            <div class=\"\">\r\n                                <span class=\"font-weight-bold\">Invoice Due Date:</span> \r\n                            </div>\r\n                        </div>\r\n                    </div>\r\n                </div>\r\n                \r\n<div class=\"row col-md-12\">\r\n                    <div class=\"col col-md-6\"></div>\r\n\r\n                    <div class=\"col col-md-6\">\r\n                        <div class=\"font-weight-bold footer-title\">BILL TO</div>\r\n                        <div class=\"\">\r\n                            <div class=\"\"><strong>Name:</strong> </div>\r\n                            <div class=\"\"><strong>Company:</strong> </div>\r\n                            <div class=\"\"><strong>Address:</strong> </div>\r\n                            <div  class=\"\"><strong>Email:</strong> </div>\r\n                        </div>\r\n                    </div>    \r\n                </div>\r\n                \r\n                <div class=\"row col-md-12\">\r\n                    <div class=\"col col-md-12\">\r\n                    <table class=\"table table-striped\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n                        <thead>\r\n                            <tr class=\"table-head\">\r\n                                <th class=\"text-left\">Item</th>\r\n                                <th class=\"text-right\">Price</th>\r\n                            </tr>\r\n                        </thead>\r\n                        <tbody>\r\n                            \r\n                            <tr>\r\n                                <td class=\"text-left\"></td>\r\n                                <td class=\"text-right\"></td>\r\n                            </tr>\r\n                            \r\n                        </tbody>\r\n                    </table>                                        \r\n                    </div>                                       \r\n\r\n                </div>\r\n                <div class=\"row col-md-12\">\r\n                  <div class=\"col col-md-6\">\r\n                  </div>\r\n                    <div class=\"col col-md-6 text-right\">\r\n                        <div style=\"margin-bottom: 10px;\">Discount:   <span class=\"amount\"></span></div>\r\n                        <div style=\"margin-bottom: 10px;\">Tax:   <span class=\"amount\"></span></div>\r\n                        <div class=\"font-weight-bold footer-title\">TOTAL: <span class=\"total-amount amount font-weight-bold\"></span></div>                        \r\n                    </div>\r\n                    \r\n                </div>\r\n                </div>                \r\n            </div>\r\n        </div>\r\n        <div class=\"container text-muted\"></div>\r\n    </div>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n​",
    "remainingCredits": 99204002,
    "credits": 2


curl --location --request GET 'https://api.pdf.co/v1/templates/html/1' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data-raw ''

Template Samples#



Supports links from Google Drive, Dropbox, and PDF.co Built-In Files Storage. To upload files via the API check out the File Upload section. Note: If you experience intermittent Too Many Requests or Access Denied errors, please try to add cache: to enable built-in URL caching. (e.g cache:https://example.com/file1.pdf) For data security, you have the option to encrypt output files and decrypt input files. Learn more about user-controlled data encryption.


Main response codes as follows:






Bad request. Typically happens because of bad input parameters, or because the input URLs can’t be reached, possibly due to access restrictions like needing a login or password.




Not enough credits


Timeout error. To process large documents or files please use asynchronous mode (set the async parameter to true) and then check status using the /job/check endpoint. If a file contains many pages then specify a page range using the pages parameter. The number of pages of the document can be obtained using the /pdf/info endpoint.