PDF Filler#

Integrate this step into your Zapier workflow to:

  • Add text, images and signatures to a PDF

  • Fill PDF form fields

  • Create a new PDF from a template

Zapier Step





Source PDF

Provide the URL of the PDF document, or leave blank to create a new PDF from scratch.


Text Annotations

Specify each text annotation using the format x;y;page;text.

Fill at least one

Image Embeds

Define each image using the format x;y;page;urltoimage;link;width;height. Use PDF.co PDF Inspector to find or measure PDF coordinates.

Fill at least one

Fillable Form Fields

Specify each fillable field value in the format page;fieldName;value. Use the PDF.co Info Tool or the Get PDF Info PDF.co step for field names in PDF forms.

Fill at least one

Output PDF Name

Name of the output PDF file.


Allow Empty Text and Image Objects

Enable to process text objects and images even with empty URLs.


Auto-trim Input Values

Automatically removes leading/trailing spaces and line breaks from input text values.


Template Data

Input data in JSON format that can be used within annotations and fields.


Custom Profiles

Define additional options for the conversion process in a JSON string format. See API Profiles for details.


Data Format and Examples#

Text Annotations#

This parameter represents one or more text objects to add to a PDF. Each text object is made of a parameter separated by the ; symbol. It uses the format:


Sample code#

Adds a text annotation, which links to www.pdf.co, to the 20,20 coordinate of all pages in a document (by using: 0-). The text annotation uses the Arial font in red (by using FF0000) with a font size of 24. It has a transparent background, a defined 300 by 200 bounding box and with text aligned to the right.

20;20;0-;Test Text;24;Arial;FF0000;www.pdf.co;true;300;200;right

Sample code#

Where 24 is the font size. You can also add styles along with the font size using the following modifiers:

  • +bold

  • +italic

  • +underline

  • +strikeout

20;20;0-;Testing Text;24+bold+italic;Arial

Sample code#

Another example with bold, italic, underline and strikeout styles would be as follows:

250;20;0-;PDF form filled with PDF.co API;24+bold+italic+underline+strikeout;Arial;FF0000;www.pdf.co;true

Sample code#

To put multiple objects, just use the | separator between objects.


If you need to insert a line break then use \n or {{$$newLine}}.

Image Embeds#

Each image or PDF object can be defined as:


Sample code#


Sample code#

To separate multiple objects, use the | separator.


You can also use a base64 datauri embedded image or a filetoken:// link to a file from PDF.co Built-In Files Storage.

Fillable Form Fields#

To fill fields in a PDF form, use the format page;fieldName;value.

To define the font name, size and style for the form input, use the following schema:

page;fieldName;Field Text;size+bold+italic+underline+strikeout;FontName.

Sample code#

0;editbox1;text for my edit box;12+bold;Arial

Sample code#

To fill a checkbox, use true against the target checkbox object.


Sample code#

To separate multiple objects, use the | separator.

0;editbox1;text for my edit box;12+bold;Arial|0;editbox2;text for another edit box;12;Arial|0;checkbox1;true

Source PDF URL & Google#


When using Google Drive, it’s typically recommended to choose the File option. For more advanced file integration techniques, see Integrating File Sources with pdf.co.

Google File





The temporary URL on the PDF.co file server.


A timestamp which indicates how long the url will be available for.


Details of any errors (if any).


The response status code. If all good this will be 200.


The name of the file.


The unique identifier for the job.


The credits spent on the process.


The credits left on your account.


The time it took for the process.