Add Barcode#
Enhance your Zapier workflow by integrating this step to generate a barcode and add it to an existing PDF document. You can also generate blank PDF files containing barcodes.

Name |
Description |
Required |
Barcode Value |
Specify the value you wish to encode into the barcode. |
Yes |
Barcode Type |
Select the type of barcode to generate. Defaults to a QR Code. |
Yes |
Source PDF URL |
Provide the URL to the source PDF document, or a |
No |
X Co-ordinate |
Specify the X coordinate. Use the |
Yes |
Y Co-ordinate |
Specify the Y coordinate. The PDF.co tool can assist in finding the |
Yes |
Pages |
Indicate the pages where the barcode should be added using page numbers or ranges. Leave blank to include all pages. The first page is numbered |
Yes |
Custom Profiles |
A |
No |
Source PDF URL & Google#
When using Google Drive, it’s typically recommended to choose the File option. For more advanced file integration techniques, see Integrating File Sources with pdf.co.

Name |
Description |
The temporary URL on the PDF.co file server. |
A timestamp which indicates how long the |
Details of any errors (if any). |
The response status code. If all good this will be |
The name of the file. |
The unique identifier for the job. |
The credits spent on the process. |
The credits left on your account. |
The time it took for the process. |