Convert HTML to PDF. Also supports HTML templates.
Name |
Description |
Required |
HTML or URL Input |
Enter the HTML content or URL which you want to convert. |
Yes (unless HTML Template ID is used) |
HTML Template ID |
Select a Template ID from your HTML to PDF Templates |
Yes (unless HTML or URL Input is used) |
Page Orientation |
Choose the PDF page orientation. |
No |
Page Size |
Select the paper size for the PDF. |
No |
Custom Page Size |
Use this instead of Page Size to specify a custom paper size for the PDF in |
No |
Custom Margins |
Override the default margins. Specify the margins in the |
No |
Render Page Background |
Whether to render the page background from the HTML source or not. |
No |
Media Type |
Select |
No |
Do not wait until full page load |
Set to |
No |
HTML Template Data |
Input data for HTML templates. Accepts JSON or CSV format. For example, for JSON: |
No |
Name |
The output file name. If left blank then |
No |
Custom Profiles |
A |
No |
Name |
Description |
The temporary URL on the file server. |
A timestamp which indicates how long the |
Details of any errors (if any). |
The response status code. If all good this will be |
The name of the file. |
The unique identifier for the job. |
The credits spent on the process. |
The credits left on your account. |
The time it took for the process. |