Zapier Webhooks#

Zapier Webhooks for large files#

Zapier actions have a 30-second timeout limit, which can restrict the ability to process large files or complex tasks that require more time. To overcome this limitation, you can use’s asynchronous processing in combination with Webhooks by Zapier. By specifying a webhook URL in the callback parameter, you can ensure that your Zapier workflow receives the final result even if the processing time exceeds 30 seconds.

Zapier Step

Supported Modules#

Setting up with API#

The API supports the use of webhooks through the callback parameter. When using the callback parameter, you can specify a webhook URL where the API will send HTTP POST requests containing the results of your request. API will start the task and return an immediate response with a jobId and an empty URL. The final result of the task will be sent to the specified callback URL once the processing is complete.

Implementing Webhooks in Zapier with

The Modules on Zapier have a limited set of parameters. To use webhooks, you need to use the std_params parameter to specify additional settings, in this case the callback parameter.

Below is an example of how to configure the profiles parameter to include the callback URL:

  "std_params": {
      "callback": "zapier_webhook_url"

Step-by-Step Guide#


To integrate Zapier Webhooks with the API to receive output, you need to create two separate Zaps. The first Zap will require setting up the API endpoint, while the second Zap will receive the output from the API through the Catch Hook in Webhooks by Zapier trigger.

  1. Set Up Webhooks by Zapier:

    • Create a new Zap in Zapier and choose Webhooks by Zapier as the trigger app.

    • Select Catch Hook as the trigger event.

    • Copy the custom webhook URL provided by Zapier.

    Zapier Webhook Trigger
  2. Configure API Request:

    • When making a request to the API, include the profiles parameter in your payload.

    • Insert the custom Zapier webhook URL into the callback parameter within std_params. Profiles Parameter
  3. Handle Webhook in Zapier:

    • Set up the action steps in Zapier to process the data received from the webhook.

    Zapier Webhook Output

By following these steps, you can efficiently use API’s asynchronous processing capabilities with Zapier webhooks, bypassing the 30-second timeout limit and ensuring your large or complex tasks are completed successfully.